SHTA Opens New Trailhead on Lismore Road
July 27, 2023

The Superior Hiking Trail Association is delighted to announce the opening of a brand-new, 6-car trailhead on Lismore Road.
Due to a land ownership change, the previous Superior Hiking Trail trailhead on Lismore Road was closed. The SHTA immediately started working toward a replacement. Located just north of Duluth at 3520 Lismore Road, the new trailhead was completed in partnership with the City of Rice Lake and furthers their goals for parks, recreation, and open space as outlined in their 2020 Comprehensive Plan.
The City acquired the tax-forfeit property for the recreational benefit of increased access to the existing Superior Hiking Trail that traverses through Rice Lake. SHTA staff and volunteers fundraised and worked through the design and permitting process with the City of Rice Lake and St. Louis County. The improvements to the property were made possible by the generous support of Superior Hiking Trail Association members and donors. The construction was contracted through JBL Trucking & Excavation LLC.
The newly constructed trailhead on Lismore Road is positioned 6.9 miles north of the Martin Road Trailhead and 6.7 miles south of the Normanna Road Trailhead in line with the Association’s goal to provide trail access for section hikes, day hikes, and runs on the Superior Hiking Trail every 3-10 miles. The SHTA provides more than 60 trailheads spaced evenly along the 300-mile trail corridor.

The trailhead is thoughtfully designed to integrate seamlessly with the surrounding landscape, preserving the natural beauty of the area. The Superior Hiking Trail Association recognizes the importance of maintaining the environmental integrity of the region and has taken great care to ensure that the parking lot aligns with sustainable practices.
Hikers, nature lovers, and those seeking adventure are encouraged to visit the new 6-car parking lot on Lismore Road, just north of Duluth, and embark on memorable journeys along the Superior Hiking Trail. Immerse yourself in the splendor of the natural surroundings, forge connections with the wilderness, and create lasting memories on this remarkable Trail.
-Mackenzie Hogfeldt, SHTA Trail Stewardship Director