

Volunteer Appreciation Party — Virtual


More than 300 SHTA volunteers contributed 8,000 hours to the Trail in 2022. A record-setting year! Since its beginning, volunteers have been the heart and soul of dreaming, building, maintaining, and protecting the Superior Hiking Trail. For those of you who can't join us in person, please join us for an online celebration of you […]

Superior Hiking Trail 101


Are you planning your first day hike or run on the Superior Hiking Trail? Interested in experiencing winter on the Trail for the first time? Or maybe even attempting your first overnight backpacking trip? This is the webinar class for you. Former SHTA Trail Development Director Jo Swanson will join us to share the best […]

2023 Volunteer Opportunities Webinar


Join SHTA staff as we offer up all the goods on what volunteers can do to support the Superior Hiking Trail this year! We'll cover trail maintenance events, section and […]

Trail Astronomy on the SHT with AstroBob


This webinar will soar into the skies to discuss stargazing and sky watching on the Superior Hiking Trail. AstroBob will teach us how to spot “the green flash,” Northern Lights, meteor showers, identify constellations, and much more. He will also share his favorite sky watching tools like planispheres, sky charts, and new phone apps that […]

Foraging for Mushrooms on the SHT


We’ll learn to how to identify some common mushrooms on the Trail — both edible and toxic — how to harvest sustainably, following rules related to foraging on public land, […]