
Trail Construction Projects Coming to Duluth


Several trail construction projects led by the City of Duluth will impact the route of the Superior Hiking Trail this summer.

In the trail sections Spirit Mountain Grand Avenue Chalet to Waseca Street and Waseca Street to Skyline Parkway there will be snowmobile bridge construction beginning in June and extending into July. The old snowmobile bridge on Kingsbury Creek, which used to host the SHT, will be replaced. The SHT does not currently use that bridge, so construction should not impede access to the area, but please follow any posted signage, be aware of your surroundings, and use extra caution in this area. GPS coordinates for the project are: 46.729657674597405, -92.19883822950763

In the trail section from Spirit Mountain Grand Avenue Chalet to Waseca Street, the Knowlton Creek Bridge will be replaced during the last week of June and first week of July. A detour will include using a service road crossing of Knowlton Creek on 80th Avenue West and continuing on the Cloquet water line road to reach the Superior Hiking Trail.

In the trail section from Waseca Street to Skyline Parkway, a trail bridge near 62nd Avenue West will be replaced between July and September. The detour will involve taking the paved DWP Trail near the SHT. We recommend joining the DWP near Waseca Street and following it to the I-35 Overpass. The GPS coordinates of the project are: 46.734592, -92.191843.

The City of Duluth bridge improvements will help us reestablish the original SHT route across Kingsbury Creek and Knowlton Creek which were rerouted since the 2012 flood. Thanks City of Duluth!