Superior Hiking Trail Association Moves to New Location In Two Harbors
February 1, 2021
The Superior Hiking Trail Association has moved its office and retail operation to a new location in Two Harbors.

The move was initiated when the P.K. Anderson House, where the SHTA has leased its office for three decades, was put up for sale in the summer of 2020. The Association is excited to reaffirm our commitment to the North Shore and the Two Harbors community by relocating downtown, less than a block from Castle Danger Brewery, The Lake Bank, and other local businesses. The Association joins other small retailers moving to fill downtown storefronts and attract visitors. The convenient new location will afford the Association space to grow, host volunteer trainings and events, and welcome guests inside when it is safe to do so. The SHTA office will remain closed to the public until further notice.
New Mailing Address: PO Box 315, Two Harbors, MN 55616-0315
New Office Address: 618 1st Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616
The Association would like to acknowledge and thank the Anderson family, owners of the P.K. Anderson House, for serving as gracious landlords for many years.
Questions about the move? Please contact us at [email protected].