

Introducción al Superior Hiking Trail, en español


Con la Directora Ejecutiva de Huellas Latinas Luisana Méndez. En el noreste de Minnesota, un sendero de 300 millas va desde Duluth hasta la frontera con Canadá que se llama […]

2024 Volunteer Opportunities Webinar

Want to know about awesome projects and how you can help out the SHTA in 2024? Join Trail Operations Director Tamer Ibrahim and Volunteer and Education Coordinator Barbara Budd for our annual Volunteer Opportunities Webinar on Thursday, March 7th at 7 p.m. Opportunities include: 2024 Trail Clearing Weekends (just what is a swamper, anyway?) Three […]

Running the entire Superior Hiking Trail in 5 days


With ultrarunner and current unsupported FKT record-holder Alan Chapman. A conversation with Alan Chapman, who set a new Fastest-Known-Time record on the Trail in 2023. Alan’s run generated a lot […]

Take Your Best Shot: Trail Photography for Kids


With Kathy Oaks, author, educator, and photographer. Take great photos of the Superior Hiking Trail, and wherever you hike. The Trail is famous for its beautiful landscape, whether you want […]

Hiking the Superior Hiking Trail: MOSSS Webinar


Are you looking for a great day hike or planning your first backpacking trip on the Superior Hiking Trail? Join Lisa Luokkala, the Superior Hiking Trail Association's executive director, to learn […]
