SHTA 2022 Volunteer of the Year
February 23, 2023

Chaz Gallet is one of those unstoppable forces that make me step back in wonder!
Each year, we choose a Volunteer of the Year for their high level of dedication to the Trail. This year, Chaz has earned that title thanks to consistently going above and beyond when volunteering for the Superior Hiking Trail Association.
Chaz is the Association’s medical consultant, helping us with policy, making sure our Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are up to date and working, and helping arrange our First Aid and CPR classes. Without Chaz, we would not have been able to host those classes the last two years. He was invaluable in finding both instructors and venues.
This year, he’s also lending his expertise helping to teach some wilderness components of First Aid along with the basics the instructor brings.
Chaz is also the adopter of our southernmost campsite, Red River Valley. He’s been a section and trailhead adopter as well, and he’s a regular on trail maintenance events in Duluth. But his real love is trail registers! He designed a new register box style and installs them where needed every year. He makes sure we have an up-to-date list of register locations. If he sees that a register is full, he replaces it. And he does all of these things with excellent good humor.
Thank you, Chaz, for all you do for the Superior Hiking Trail!
Barbara Budd, SHTA Volunteer and Education Coordinator